Java Bean Validation Stereotypes

Java Bean Validation Stereotypes

Standard Bean Validation Constraints

JEAF and JEAF Generator also support of Java Bean Validation (JSR-380). This means that for every constraint of defined by Java Bean validation there also is a matching stereotype that can be used in UML model.


«Size», «PositiveOrZero», «Positive», «Pattern», «Email», «PastOrPresent», «Past», «Null», «NotNull», «NotEmpty», «NotBlank», «NegativeOrZero», «Negative», «FutureOrPresent», «Future», «AssertTrue», «AssertFalse», «Digits», «Valid», «DecimalMin», «DecimalMax», «Min», «Max», «CustomValidation», «CustomConstraint»

Applicable Elements

Parameter, Property

Stereotype «Valid» also for Class

Tagged Values






Attribute is used to define the severity if the validation fails. Possible values are: Info, Warning, Error and NotUsed



Instead of using hard coded error message for validations JEAF also supports to define a JEAF X-Fun LocalizationID. Using the id it is possible to use localized error messages.

Additional tagged values may be supported depending on the constraint. Those additional tagged values are equivalent to the possibilities as defined by the Java annotations (see https://javadoc.io/doc/javax.validation/validation-api/latest/index.html )


Custom Bean Validation Constraints

In addition to the already predefined constraints Java Bean Validation also supports to use custom validations.

TBD: Define how to use and model custom constraints